2024 in Pisticci….Pisticci weather.

It’s easier to describe in photos.

Before the blue sky disappeared
Five minutes later….
Followed by  a very dark sky……
Then it rained…..

Despite having a small tree growing in it, the drain at the end of my street seems to function well enough. The rain stopped after no more than half an hour.

My holiday shoes arrived today. And they fit! Very risky buying online, but this time It was a success.

They make my feet look smaller….a big plus and they are womens’ shoes. I’m fed up wearing men’s  trainers.

This afternoon I used charcoal to draw the 2 harbour scenes. I don’t remember ever painting boats before. I’m glad I chose big canvases.

My tablet holder is brilliant. I can have it as close as I want.

I didn’t buy anything at the market today.


I’ve decided that I must look out my summer clothes at the weekend. My wardrobe is a mess. I can’t find anything. There is no space left in it.

Now it’s wine time and nearly the weekend.


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