2024 in Pisticci….clearing out…..

I decided to postpone the next step of my book process until Monday …or even until after I get back from holiday.

So I started work on clearing out my wardrobe and drawers as well as putting away most of my winter clothes and getting out my summer ones.

Getting suitcase and baskets down from up high. I really like my wooden ladder.

I was the most ruthless I’ve ever been today.

How did I ever get all this stuff……..
Now for the next step. Getting rid of it all. Most of the clothes I discarded were old or weird. I don’t think there is a clothes bank or I would have considered it.

My wardrobe is still full. Might have to have another sort out. I don’t want to have so many clothes to look after.

I finished about lunch time.

It took a strong coffee to get me started on the boat painting.

However it was quite enjoyable. Just painting shapes,  and not as scary as I expected. 

It looks fine so far.

Work in progress.

I’m glad it’s the weekend.


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