2024 in Pisticci….all packed…..

I have clothes at Katy’s  house so I don’t need to take many.

My little rucksack is full of interesting things.

Love this little bag…..

Sketchbook, crayons, watercolours, Kindle, spare phone, one summer dress and top, swimsuit, make up, vitamin pills and diary. Oh, and passport and purse.

I’m  planning to take a lightweight  jacket with lots of pockets which won’t mind being tied onto the rucksack and some food to eat on the flight.

I was out twice today. 

Love the sunflower
One of my favourite views
Corso margherita  was looking good
My part of town.

I wasn’t  really in the mood for packing.

Then my new crayons arrived.

I think I’ve enough crayons now…..
Today’s quick sketch and crayon test.
Someone has tidied out this pot.

I don’t leave home until about 1.30pm tomorrow.  Then I get a bus to Matera at 2pm, and at 5pm the airport bus should leave. My flight isn’t until 8.45pm so it will be after midnight Italian time when I arrive in Edinburgh.  My son is picking me up so should arrive in Perth after midnight , Scottish time.

Now it’s  wine time .


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