2024 in Pisticci….Home again…..

Only one train and a bus from Salerno today. And they were on time. ( and finally a lift from a friend for the last few kilometres.)

Salerno from the bus
Somewhere on the way from the bus
This sign always makes me laugh . ( at Ferrandina)

Now, after laying everything away,  watering my flowers, catching up with Katy and decanting 5 litres of wine I’m enjoying sitting here with the blues playing and a glass of my favourite  wine.

So much has happened that it’ll take me a while to catch up with myself.

Tonight I’m planning to do little, as tomorrow  I need to make a phone call, start a portrait and organise my new sleeping arrangements.  ( It’s too hot to sleep upstairs.)

It looks like it will be hot this week.( up to 38C) so I need to get my fans cleaned and in working order.

Garden has survived

Now I’m going to chill and not think much.


Oleanders are survivors
Only 25C in here.

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