2024 in Pisticci…early start…..

Didn’t sleep much last night so about 2am I looked up the beach bus timetable and worked out that I could go to the beach for a couple of hours.( not in the middle of the night.) I had been bothered that I’d be stuck for longer without a bus home, but 2 hours seems okay. So next I bought a cheap small beach umbrella with a carrying bag on Amazon. Feeling much better having achieved something I fell asleep until 4am.

I’d had enough of trying to sleep by then so got up and dyed my hair. Also Fluffy came by. She was a lot friendlier today. I can’t blame her for being a bit off hand since I got back.

After a quick trip to the supermarket  I’ve mostly painted my current portrait.  It’s looking good.

This week , apart from the portrait, has mostly been about getting settled back in and making myself comfortable. So I fixed my bikini which was a bit tight. Minus several bits of elastic it’s now much more comfortable. 

I’ve no excuse not to start on painting my cooker red tomorrow  as my silver metallic paint arrived . I think I can make a good job.

My water based oil paintings in frames are now dry so I’ve varnished some of them. Then I need to fix them in frames.

My favourite  still life.
I like this a lot.

Now it’s Friday wine time. Next week I have a lot of things to do. I like having plans.


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