2024 in Pisticci…back to work.

It’s  good to have a purpose and today’s  was to finish the portrait I’ve been working on.

It is more or less completed. I’ll give it another day to see if I’ve missed anything obvious,  but I like it how it is.

After that I looked for some free photos to use as reference  for my next commission  and ended up ordering new canvases.

It’s not so hot today.

I’m glad I bought my new more powerful fan. My old stand ones which I’ve had for about 7 years work, but one takes about 5 minutes to start up and the other one rattles. I’m using a mixture of all 3. (But not at the same time.)

My work diary was about a month behind so I brought it up to date….after I made peanut butter to give me some energy.

The evil printer(2) is making lines on everything.

This morning I sat outside with a coffee and listened to the church bells.

I’ve always like bells. ( I’m drinking ginseng coffee.)

Tomorrow  it’s the monthly street market. I’ll probably go for a look around and I need to remember to go and take some photos of a house which I’ve to paint. .

Now it’s wine time.


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