2024 in Pisticci..what to do next?

I’m at an in- between  stage where I haven’t quite concluded one thing and can’t move on until I do.

This stage requires a lot of lying around reading and watching episodes of Portrait Artist of the Year.

I have decided that I’ll contact the client who ordered the portrait tomorrow morning. I wonder if all artists put this off incase their painting isn’t good enough.

It’s been a reasonably sunny day and after shopping I’ve been at home.

I did do one thing today, and that was to take apart a weird chair I bought to make me sit up straight, but it hurt my knees. It is possible I put it together wrong. However it’s now in bits under the bed. Which reminds me that I have 5 bin bags of clothes to dispose off………

I went for a small walk up to the church.

Lots of roofs.
Cute chimney.

It’s taking me a while to settle back into life here.

Heating up again
I love oleanders

My neighbour just dropped by with these.


Wine time now……and back to part time work next week…….oops,  I meant tomorrow.


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