2024 in Pisticci…3 deliveries and a pick up…..

It all started when I went out to photograph a little house which I had forgotten I was supposed to paint.

I met the cheerful postman who stopped me to tell me he had a package for me. I thought that I might as well take it then and not wait till later. (First delivery.)

Two minutes later I had a phone call from a courier which somehow I couldn’t answer. Then a message saying he’d left a parcel for me in the furthest away bar. I’d been all psyched up to tell him that was not good enough. ( at least I’ll get some exercise)

Finally after lunch there was a message from another courier to say that I could collect my order of 4 canvases in a shop in the corso. ( the shop was closed until tomorrow. )

In the meantime I phoned the portrait client and they should be coming to pick it up tonight.

It looks like I’ll be taking part in a group exhibition  in July. Am looking forward to the social part of that. I spent quite a lot of time thinking about which paintings I should exhibit.  I’d quite like to have them framed.

I have some nice old frames , but they don’t fit the paintings I like best.

I had time to draw the little house this afternoon.  It will look much better when I add the flowers, but I think everything is in place.

A lovely lady lives here.

Now it’s wine and watering time. I’m trying not to water the flowers too early in the evening.


Pretty place to sit.
This oleander is looking particularly  good.
I love the colours in this.

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