2024 in Pisticci….enjoying life……

It’s taken me a while to get back into my Pisticci life.

This morning I set off to collect a parcel from the furthest away bar and then another one from a shop in the corso. ( whatever happened to delivering to my house!!)

However it was a sunny morning, and it was exercise. 

I liked the red towel
Looking forward to concerts here
I painted this
Strange stone drains in the wall
Looking back towards Dirupo
Might paint this.

(That was weird . Half of my photos were upside down. )

Back home with new canvases I drew my next 2 commissions.

Then I hunted about in corners and found a frame for one of the paintings I want to exhibit. After looking at it ……I think I can do better, so that will be the next week’s work. I’d like to have my paintings framed,  but the frames I have mostly don’t fit the paintings I like.

I’ve been watching arty videos on YouTube and getting inspired.

Finally I touched up my wisteria painted on my wall. The paint underneath was flaking off in parts. I was careful not to make it look too new or I’d have had to repaint the whole thing.

Looking better.

Then it was time for wine.

Was nice to just sit.

Hurray! It’s the weekend.


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