2024 in Pisticci…retail therapy…..

I couldn’t sleep and after trying all the normal things I decided that some retail therapy might help so I ordered 6 biggish canvases which I will use for a summer project. I was so pleased with myself for having a plan for the summer that I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 7am.

I think I’d like to paint little flowery corners of Pisticci on big canvases.

So next week I plan to go on a photo walk and get organised.

Today I went to the market and bought cherries to paint. It will be touch and go whether there will be any left by the time I get around to painting them as I’m enjoying the boat painting.

On the way home from the market
I think the water tower is quite weird.

This afternoon I spent about 3 hours working on this.

Still filling in all the shapes.

Tomorrow I might do some more tidying…..or not….

But now it’s wine time .


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