2024 in Pisticci…mostly painted boats and bits of boats.

I’ve learned a useful lesson about using my camera. The photos I’m painting from were taken by my phone and close up are great, but the detail in the background is blurred.

Mostly I used my phone to capture longer distance shots.

Next time I need to use my camera for close ups so that the background is clear. Even if I don’t paint all the detail it helps to know what I’m looking at.

I definitely  picked a difficult subject this time. But I like and need a challenge.

Still a work in progress.

Next I need to finish the buildings without making them too important. Also the windows on the boats could do to be improved. Then the water needs some sparkle. And finally I should add some detail in the foreground.

And then there are probably other things to do. 

It’s been a sunny day outside.

My youngest oleander is flowering.

I planted this.
Have had so many strawberries this year.

I found a lovely photo from 8  years ago when I was living in my little artist’s house.

Can’t believe I’ve been in my other house so long.

This week will be mainly painting boats and then next week I plan to spring clean before I leave for Scotland.

But, wine time now. ( and Sunday vlogs)

Cheers 🍷🍷

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