October in Pisticci….might be going out walking again…..

I think it’s called serendipity when nice things happen just when you need them and quite by chance.

Today I was tired and a bit off. I listened to an audio book for several hours…..something I never do normally. It was very exciting.

I tried drawing but was just too tired and uncomfortable to have any enthusiasm. I did watch 2 full length programmes on youtube about David Hockney and one about Norman Rockwell.

And eventually it was time to go to the doctor ( for the second time.) This time I was 4th in the queue , but as I only needed prescriptions I was allowed in 3d. Hurray!!

I marched off up the street clutching my prescriptions with a big smile on my face….which no one could see as I was wearing my mask. ( I have found one that I accidentally made bigger than the others fits under my glasses….so they don’t steam up. )

Hardly had to wait at the farmacia and while I was there I think I was told about a possible yoga class in pisticci……or maybe not. That would be so good .

Realising that I had forgotten to buy paracetamols I stopped in at the other farmacia where I had bought the ” natural ” pills for my minor complaint and was told I should take them for 5 days. So maybe I will continue them after all.

Continuing down the hill I bumped into my friend I used to go walking with and another friend and so we might be going out walking later on this week.

Now I am back home feeling happy . None of these things were big events , but they were enough………


Looking towards my house.
Piazza san rocco….on my way home.

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